Daconil Weather Stik is a contact fungicide that can be used in preventative programs. It can be used as an early curative after the first signs of disease become evident.
This broad spectrum fungicide is highly effective in the control of major turf diseases including Dollar Spot, Winter Fusarium, Brown Patch and the Helmo complex.
Daconil Weather Stik is an excellent choice as the basis of a preventative program. As a contact fungicide it can be used early curatively after first disease symptoms become evident, especially in combination with Banner Maxx. The sticking and staying ability combines to ensure effective “stopping power” on leaf surfaces against new infections. The lower rate of 13L/ha is suitable for use in tank mixtures and preventative programs, whereas the higher rate of 20L/ha should be considered in curative situations.
For example, in the case where a disease like Dollar Spot has already caused symptoms (scarring) Daconil Weather Stik could be applied solo at 20L/ha or as a tank mixed with Banner Maxx at 5-10L/ha. In curative situations though, the residual will be shorter due to the high population numbers of the pathogen. It would be prudent to follow up with Headway Maxx at 9L/ha 7-10 days later. This approach should stop disease progression and protect new growth for at least for the next 4-5 weeks. For full application details, please consult the product label.
Daconil Weather Stik is a high quality suspension concentrate (SC) with minimal odour and excellent suspensibility in spray mixtures. Daconil Weather Stik mixes completely with water and may be tank mixed with many commonly used fungicides and liquid fertilisers.