Instrata Turf Fungicide is an excellent choice for use in a preventative program or curatively after first symptoms are evident. The quick systemic action of the propiconazole component will deliver a rapid clean out of internal transport tissues which is especially important in curative situations.
The chlorothalonil and fludioxynil components act in synergy by attacking germinating spores and developing fungal mycelium to rapidly clean and protect external surfaces.
Instrata is an excellent choice for use in a preventative program or curatively after first symptoms are evident. The quick systemic action of the propiconazole component will deliver a rapid clean out of internal transport tissues which is especially important in curative situations. The chlorothalonil and fludioxynil components together attack germinating spores and developing fungal mycelium to rapidly clean and protect external surfaces. Instrata should be applied at 18L/ha and will deliver a solid 28 days of coverage.
For example, in the case where air and soil temperatures are increasing in combination with extended periods of high (90%+) relative humidity, Instrata should be applied at 18L/ha to deliver protection from crown and foliar disease for up to 4 weeks. If a disease like Dollar Spot has already caused symptoms (scarring) Instrata should be applied at 18L/ha to quickly control existing disease and protect against further damage, thus aiding turf recovery. For full application details, please consult the product label.
Instrata is a suspo-emulsion formulation that offers excellent turf safety.
It can be safely tank mixed with Heritage Maxx, Primo Maxx and Subdue Maxx.