Wild Radish is a widespread major weed of winter crops in southern Australia. Plants are toxic to stock but generally not eaten. Roots have a distinct radish flavour. The bulk of Wild Radish seeds germinate after autumn rains. Dormancy and longevity are two important characteristics of the seed that enable the species to survive and persist. Common on wasteland and disturbed places. Wild Radish is an erect annual, or less often biennial, herb to 1 (rarely to 1.5 m) high. Leaves variable, with bristle-like hairs; basal leaves to about 30 cm long, lobed with terminal lobe much larger than lower lobes; upper leaves shorter and highest leaves often undivided.

How to control Wild Radish

Double Time Herbicide


Double Time Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 340g/L MCPA and 80g/L Dicamba. It is registered for the control of a… Read More

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