Meridian insecticide is a water dispersible granule that provides effective control on a wide variety of insects and grubs, killing through both contact and ingestion.
Meridian is a rapidly absorbed into the plant making it rain-fast, after it has dried and allowing for residual control of pests that may attempt to feed on the foliage.
Meridian provides residual control in turfgrass and will control pests for an extended time. When applied direct to the soil, Meridian can be taken up by the roots of the plant providing systemic action.
Meridian is particularly active against the 1st and 2nd instar larvae of the most destructive turf infesting grub species. The window for application should thus be positioned around the peak egg laying period by adult beetles. This timing can be monitored by the increasing activity of adult beetles, usually during spring and early summer.
For example, African Black Beetle egg laying peaks around October whereas that of the Argentinian Scarab peaks around November to early December, so an application at 1.2 kg/ha around the end of October should be sufficient to ensure high levels of grub control for the season.
Meridian is a water dispersible granule (WDG) with minimal odour and non-staining properties. Meridian mixes completely with water and may be tank mixed with many commonly used fungicides and liquid fertilisers as long as the tank mix is targeted as a soil application.